It's Book Release Day!

Hey There! It's finally here!! When Girlfriends Break Hearts, my breakthrough chick lit novel, is finally here!!! I am SO jazzed!

The ebook is live and available on Amazon now for $2.99. Eventually the paperback version will be available, but I'm still waiting to receive my proof.

For this novel I've really beefed the workload up. I read half a dozen editing and "improve you writing style" books, and applied some valuable techniques to my writing and editing processes (thanks, Mr. King!). I pulled in a few beta readers, and added extra rounds and styles of personal editing and proofreading. Also hired an editor to professionally handle the manuscript for detailed editing and critique. I also sent the book off to a few book bloggers and reviewers for their expert opinions and, hopefully, shining reviews! A lot of polishing has been done and I've really made this book the best that I could!


And of course I've learned a lot along the way which means subsequent books will be better and better and better.... I took a lot of advice from my experience with Bumped to Berlin; about hiring on an editor and proofreader.... Basically I've really upped the bar with this book and I hope it shines well and you enjoy it! I love writing and sharing my stories, and I want to present them to you in the best way I can!

So whether you're looking for a juicy chick lit "beach read" (because vacation reading and chick lit always go hand-in-hand for me), or you're looking for a new book to get your hands on, or are curious about my writing in a different genre, maybe my new novel will be right up your alley!

As if book release day couldn't be exciting enough and big enough news to share, I've got more!

Fellow indie author, who hails from merry 'ol England, Rachael H Dixon, has kindly featured me on her Blog's Writer Showcase. You can check out my Author Q & A on her Blog RIGHT HERE.

And if you're an urban fantasy reader, love the supernatural, maybe even talking pets, vampires, werewolves even...and of course fabulous female heroines and protagonists...then perhaps Rachael H Dixon's premier novel, Slippery Souls (the first in her Sunray Bay series), is just for you!

Hope you enjoy the Q & A and maybe you'll have found a new indie author and work you fancy through Rachael. Indie author superstar-dom all the way!

I'll be back to blog soon again this week because it's International Chick Lit Month so that means there's cause for celebration, right?

Happy Reading!