Chick Lit Author Blog Hop & a Book Review!

Hey There! As you may very well know my NEW novel (When Girlfriends Break Hearts) came out yesterday and it’s here right in time for International Chick Lit Month!

What is International Chick Lit Month? Well, the entire month of May authors and readers of chick lit celebrate this wonderful genre in a variety of ways. One particular way is through Blog Hops.

What is a Blog Hop? Let’s take the Chick Lit Author Blog Hop 2012hosted by author Tracie Banister. This particular Blog Hop has 34 participating chick lit authors. And let me tell you, it’s fabulous! Fab-u-los-O! I’m really enjoying hopping around from blog to blog, reading each author’s chick-lit-esque blog post.

A Blog Hop is a great way for authors to get a bit more exposure and gain some readership; and it’s great for authors and readers alike to learn about new authors and their works, find new books to add to that ever-growing To-Read list, and it’s a fun way to make friends, comment on a variety of blogs (and find new blogs to follow), AND it’s a neat way to WIN FREE STUFF!


Because, let’s face it, who doesn’t love free stuff? Who doesn’t love free ebooks? And who does not love a free $150 gift certificate to Sephora? Seriously, the Chick Lit Author Blog Hop 2012led by Tracie Banister is way awesome. I’m really enjoying participating in it.

I considered joining the Hop by participating as one of the contributing authors, but I got a bit bogged down with the release of my new book, trying to get ready for that super fun vaca to Seattle, not to mention every day life and work. And I didn’t find time to temporarily enable my blog comments—a must-have for the Blog Hop—so I decided this year I’d follow it, and next year, if I’m invited, I plan on joining the ranks of participating chick lit authors! And by then I should have a few more chick lits on my backlist. Oh fun fun!!

So if you’re curious about how you can join in the fun of this Blog Hop GO HERE. Tracie (and all of the participating authors) have the instructions on their Blogs within their specific ode to chick lit blog post. It’s really easy and fun.

The How-To-Participate-Short-Version:

If you visit all 34 Blogs and read the authors’ recent blog post that is for the Hop, you’ll notice an italicized word. Collect all 34 words and submit to the email address they give and you could win $150 gift certificate to Sephora. And if you leave a comment with your name and email address on an author’s blog, you could win a free ebook from them! Cool, hah?

I’m enjoying the Hop mostly because it’s fun to read what others think and feel about the genre, and to get some book recommendations. And of course I’m hoping to win a free ebook or the grand prize. That’d be pretty darn cool.

Alright, that’s the Chick Lit Author Blog Hop 2012 that I’ve been meaning to share with you. It ends this Sunday so be sure to head on over there. I say start at Tracie Banister’s Blog and take it from there. I’m hopping all over the place and the list they provide through Linky helps you keep track of where you’ve been already.

Now before I trot off I wanted to share THIS BOOK REVIEW from the author and book blogger/reviewer, Kate Policani. I’m going to dedicate a Blog Post just for her work and help, but I wanted to share this a.s.a.p. Thanks so much for the review, Kate!

Happy Reading!