Paperback Copies of When Girlfriends Break Hearts

Hey There! I’m planning the big trip to Seattle and the California coast that my husband and I are taking! Really excited about this vacation back to the States for some sun, sand and surf. Sun with a high SPF slapped on since I’m a pasty lady. Sand on the beach and not much in between my toes…got a real OCD problem there. And surf as in the surf of the ocean…and even some surfer watching because what they do---braving those Great Whites and Megalodons that I know lurk beneath---is super awesome and brave.

And even though I’m a real indoors girl (hiking? What’s that?) on our agenda will be some horseback riding, fishing, and maybe even kayaking. Of course horseback riding means through the wine country for vineyard touring, with wine tasting afterwards. And fishing is sans camping because I do not camp. And kayaking because, well, I’ve never done that and that just sounds super awesome. Especially off the coast of Santa Barbara or Monterey where I may be able to spot some sunning seals. (Yes, I know seals=Great White likelihood, but I can beat the shark off with my paddle. And if all else fails I can find an oxygen tank, shove it in its mouth, and find a rifle somewhere and blow it to smithereens Jaws-style if starts to chomp its way to me. Oh yes, I’ve thought this through. Totally wouldn't want to harm such a beautiful creature, but he better not consider me a midday snack or watch out!)

Obviously I’m super jazzed about the trip but I’m also super jazzed that my paperback of When Girlfriends Break Hearts has been proofed, approved, and should be up for purchase on Amazon and EU Amazon platforms shortly (any minute, really).


That’s right! Big news here…I said European platforms, too! European Amazon sites will now be offering paperback options, so now my German (and other EU) readers can get their hands on paperback copies of my two books if they like. :) My latest novel, my chick lit, looks to already be available as a paperback on some EU Amazon sites, but for some reason is taking a bit of time to get up on It can take up to 5 days and today would be day 2 that I made it for sale so we may just have to wait a bit. But I know some out there have been asking about the paperback version of my chick lit and rest assured, it’s coming really soon!

Other fun news? Well I mentioned it before, but I wanted to give an official shout out today. My new book received a fantastic review from fellow indie author, and a book blogger/reviewer, Kate Policani. She’s actually a Seattleite and said I did a pretty good job at portraying the city in my book…especially considering I’ve never been. She said it was a fun and super girly read…and, well, I’ll let you check out her review for yourself, if you like, HERE.

Kate Policani is the author and coauthor of quite a few books, including The Lustre, The Silver Collar, and a really sweet and unique children’s book with an important message for children who face disabilities, Amputeddy Goes Back to School. Amazon is one of the go-to places where you can check out her books. Thanks again, Kate, for taking the time to read and review my book. I really appreciate it!

Lastly, before I head out to get some chores and work done for the day, I wanted to thank all of the Chick Lit Author Blog Hop 2012 authors who made last week’s Hop a really fun one! I even won an ebook from one of the authors—Barbara Barth. I’m looking forward to reading her book, The Unfaithful Widow.

Have a fantastic Tuesday everyone!

Happy Reading!