A Happy Welcome for Spring

Hey There! Well Berlin said the TV Tower would be green on 3.17 and it was! It was the first year it joined in with fellow world famous landmarks to get all “greenified” on ‘ol St. Patty’s Day. I snapped the best photo I could with my cellphone. Pretty neat, hah?


I promised I would share some photos of the balcony garden all ready for spring so here are a few photos. I trekked out with my trolley in tow on Friday in celebration of the weather and to gather new blooms for the new season, which is officially here tomorrow (at least in the US…). I actually think Germany might have welcomed spring yesterday? Or today? Or tomorrow, just like the US…. Hmmm. Well, it feels like spring.


The weekend weather, as well as Friday’s, was fabulous. Full sun. Very slight breeze (practically non-existent on Saturday). Mid 60s. Just beautiful. Saturday, and even a little bit on Sunday before the sprinkling started, was a great day to just walk around the city. And, of course, eating lunch outside was a grand idea on Saturday. My husband and I enjoyed one of our favorite Indian joints outdoors.

Now Friday, since the weather was so heavenly, I decided to not only buy the new spring plants, but plant them. I’m really liking the colors I chose this season and I hope this particular breed of flowers fares well. I really love the Ranunculi plant I picked up for my larger pot that I set on the balcony ground. I love Ranunculi—the perfect backyard-garden-chic flower.


All of the apartment windows are clean, too. (A hefty effort I took to with a serious amount of gusto on Friday afternoon.) I really love sparkling windows. With the help of a very tall ladder I was able to scrub inside and out the windows and doors—tall ones too—until they were sparkling. Boy do they make the balcony with the fresh flowers look even more beautiful on the inside looking out. Didn’t really realize how dirty these suckers were. Oh do I have no life? I take such joy in cleaning windows….


Well a clean apartment, fresh flowers on the balcony, beautiful weather over the weekend, and surprisingly pretty nice weather (low to mid 60s) this entire week—full sun, no rain—made for a great past few days. I hope the forecast stays true for this week because how fabulous would that be? More sun and warmth? The perfect week for a staycation week I might add. It’s so nice to have my husband home for a relaxed staycation this whole week.


And guess what I caught him working on last night? My new book cover! It’s looking so wonderful and it’s just the beginning stages. He’s really capturing my vision perfectly. I can’t wait! Guess that means I need to work on the book back summary…and actually solidify a title so I can share that with you and he can have everything he needs for the cover. :)

Hope everyone had a fun St. Patrick’s Day and didn’t get pinched. Hopefully you’re having great spring weather, too.

Happy Reading!