Hey There! Boy was I going through the worst plotter’s block ever these past few weeks! Add that on top of feeling rather under the weather and sheesh…I started to think, When am I ever going to get back to work?
Over the past few weeks I tweaked the next When Girlfriends… novel, getting that prepared for the editor, and currently he’s working his magic on it so I’m super jazzed about that! I did finally manage to get my long-awaited revisions of Bumped to Berlin complete, so that was another to-do marked off the list. I even played around with a few sketches for the cover of my next book, lightly tiptoed on some ideas for its synopsis, and then, that’s right, I stared up at that grey cloud of plotter’s block doom and went, “Hmph. I have about 5% of my next book plotted and…yikes! That’s not going to cut it!”
With Bumped done and When Girlfriends Chase Dreams almost here, all signs point to work needing to be done on book number five in the collection and I have squat. Correction: I had squat.
I had squat up until today when I really got the ball rolling with the whole plotting thing. Am I ever so elated—I mean elated—to share that book five has been plotted! Not 5% plotted. Not 20%. It’s as plotted as a story gets for me before I sit down and madly type. And let me say (as I do with every book it seems), this plot is FUN! It totally went in a direction I didn’t foresee. Oh, to think how interesting the writing process will be! I love it when the muse strikes and I just scrawl away the ideas in my notebook, then on tons of Post-Its, and the story gels and characters tell me what they want me to write. Then I feel like my head’s about to burst and I jump up and down and shout out that this is going to be such an awesome story and…I’m all alone in the apartment, making a racket, and probably looking like a crazy person to the smoking neighbor looking in across the view way. But the story has been plotted, and I am really excited to get to writing.
Now for all you lovely readers who have asked about the next book, When Girlfriends Chase Dreams, Claire’s book, that will be released mid-/late March. This story is very girly, very “classic chick lit,” it’s all about a wedding and the drama and the fun and craziness that can come with it, and, well, I really hope you enjoy it. Like with each book in the collection, I wanted to play around with POV, tense, depth of subject matter, chick lit vs. contemporary women’s fiction, etc.
Before I shut down for the day and go out for a yummy dinner with the hubs and my mother-in-law (I’m thinking Asian fusion…a ginger+lime leaf+honey tea sounds really tasty right about now), I’ll close with some updates.
The Post delivered two beauties recently. Bumped to Berlin 2nd edition and When Girlfriends Make Choicesare both available in paperback now on Amazon. Oooo they look so pretty in print. I get goose pimples every time a paperback proof comes in.
I’m going on tour with When Girlfriends Step Up next month for a week with the awesome ladies over at Chick Lit Plus. You can find the details HERE.
I’ll be going on another tour, this one for three weeks and for When Girlfriends Make Choices, starting April 1st, also with Chick Lit Plus, and those details are HERE. With this tour you can WIN a $20 Amazon gift card simply by emailing the tour coordinators a receipt of your purchase of …Make Choices. Cool, huh?
Well I’m going to make sure my plotting notes are all organized for tomorrow’s busy day of writing, but I wish you a fantastic day!
Happy Reading!